Various field trips are scheduled throughout the year engaging the student with experiences within the community.

Two of the Activity Highlights of 6th, 7th and 8th grade at FVAM include:

Down to Earth Partnership with Hall Farm

Middle School and Upper Elementary students partner with Hall Farm for a deep-rooted education in the tried and true methods of organic farming.  Students learn the tradition of organic farming and the value of healthy eating while fulfilling Maria Montessori’s vision of a Farm Program.  Mr. Hall, Sr. gifted a section of the farm's greenhouse to FVAM and is included in FVAM's science curriculum.  The students learn to use the weather station by using Thermochrons, and frost tubes to measure temperature and soil quality and its effect on crop and plant development. The students collect and present the data to Hall Farm.

“The program is an environment for the children to learn about a micro-economy. The students are involved in, and exposed to production, marketing, art, inventory, accounting principles, and, of course, good old fashioned physical work.”

The micro economy lessons continue at school where the students learn to grow vegetables, and manage a farm stand. Board Member, Josee Scheen, is teaching them to sautee, steam, and bake any overstock to serve for snacks. They share any leftovers (and their recipes) with other FVAM students and their parents. 


Montessori Model United Nations

6th, 7th and 8th grade FVAM students are annual participants of the Montessori Model United Nations, both in New York and this year participated in the MMUN in China.  MMUN gives students the opportunity to learn many skills that students are acquiring during their adolescent plane of development.   Students collarborate, synthesize information, write postiion papers, note take, problem-solve, compromise all while using grace and courtesy.  The students engage in complex topics facing the global community with fellow Montessori students around the global.  They learn about cultures and how these problems affect not only the global community, but their home.